Getting started with Svelte
Svelte is basically vanilla JavaScript, so you can use the core package.
To get started with PDFSlick for Svelte run:
npm install @pdfslick/core
# yarn add @pdfslick/core
# pnpm add @pdfslick/core
You can load a PDF document and subscribe to a portion of or the entire PDFSlick store's state, like in the following basic example:
<script lang="ts">
import type { PDFSlick } from '@pdfslick/core';
import { onMount, onDestroy } from 'svelte';
// ...
* Reference to the PDF Viewer container
let container: HTMLDivElement;
* Reference to the pdfSlick instance
let pdfSlick: PDFSlick;
* Keep PDF Slick state portions we're interested in using in your app
let pageNumber = 1;
let numPages = 0;
onMount(async () => {
* This is all happening on client side, so we'll make sure we only load it there
const { create, PDFSlick } = await import('@pdfslick/core');
* Create the PDF Slick store
const store = create();
pdfSlick = new PDFSlick({
options: {
scaleValue: 'page-fit'
* Load the PDF document
store.setState({ pdfSlick });
* Subscribe to state changes, and keep values of interest as reactive Svelte vars,
* (or alternatively we could hook these or entire PDF state into a Svelte store)
* Also keep reference of the unsubscribe function we call on component destroy
unsubscribe = store.subscribe((s) => {
pageNumber = s.pageNumber;
numPages = s.numPages;
onDestroy(() => unsubscribe());
// ...
<!-- ... -->
<div class="absolute inset-0 bg-slate-200/70 pdfSlick">
<div class="flex-1 relative h-full" id="container">
The important part —
we use the reference to this `container` when creating PDF Slick instance above
<div id="viewerContainer" class="pdfSlickContainer absolute inset-0 overflow-auto" bind:this={container}>
<div id="viewer" class="pdfSlickViewer pdfViewer"></div>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- Use `pdfSlick`, `pageNumber` and `numPages` to create PDF pagination -->
<div class="flex justify-center">
on:click={() => pdfSlick?.gotoPage(Math.max(pageNumber - 1, 1))}
disabled={pageNumber <= 1}
Show Previous Page
on:click={() => pdfSlick?.gotoPage(Math.min(pageNumber + 1, numPages))}
disabled={pageNumber >= numPages}
Show Next Page
<!-- ... -->
For usage examples with Svelte take a look at the simple PDF Viewer and the complete PDF Viewer App in Svelte in the repo. There are also React examples that might be helpful.
Important Note
PDFSlick provides a CSS file containing styles that are required in order for it to function properly. This file needs to be imported once, somewhere in your app (AppComponent.svelte
, or +layout.svelte
, +page.svelte
import "@pdfslick/core/dist/pdf_viewer.css";