
Getting started with SolidJS

To get started with PDFSlick for SolidJS run:

npm install @pdfslick/solid
# yarn add @pdfslick/solid
# pnpm add @pdfslick/solid

You can start using PDFSlick with the usePDFSlick() hook, like with the following basic example:

import { Component, createSignal } from "solid-js";
import { usePDFSlick } from "@pdfslick/solid";

type PDFViewerAppProps = {
  pdfFilePath: string,

const PDFViewerApp: Component<PDFViewerAppProps> = ({ pdfFilePath }) => {
  const {
    pdfSlickStore: store,
  } = usePDFSlick(pdfFilePath);

  return (
    <div class="absolute inset-0 bg-slate-200/70 flex flex-col pdfSlick">
      <div class="flex-1 relative h-full">
        <PDFSlickViewer {...{ store, viewerRef }} />

export default PDFViewerApp;

Provided with the PDF Document path and options object, the usePDFSlick() hook returns an object consisting (among the other things) of:

  • PDFSlickViewer — the PDF Viewer component used for viewing the PDF document
  • viewerRef — a RefCallback that is provided as a prop to the <PDFSlickViewer /> component
  • pdfSlickStore — the PDFSlick store

Important Note

PDFSlick provides a CSS file containing styles that are required in order for it to function properly. This file needs to be imported once, somewhere in your app (index.tsx, App.tsx etc.)

import "@pdfslick/solid/dist/pdf_viewer.css";

You can take a look at the code for this example in the repo, and the React examples which may also be helpful.

Preparing document for printing…